Splitting a Peak

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Re: OK this has be said:

Postby bammbamm808 » Fri Apr 22, 2005 8:56 pm

Bud wrote:Anyone mention that your picture bears a striking similarity to one extreeeemely happy weight-loss/fitness guru with a similar 'fro?

I hadn't noticed, but I guess so. I guess a little, but you have to take a really long, close look at the picture to see it......

It's OK Bud, really it's OK.


Re: red vs blue

Postby red » Sat Apr 23, 2005 12:03 am

bammbamm808 wrote:
What's that smell? Ahhh it's TROLL!

Another asinine shit-stirrer. We've got a resident smartass already, and even he displays a little subtlety and intelligence, which makes his offerings vastly superior to the down's-inspired dreck you've been posting. Go pull the wings off a fly or torture a cat. You know, something you can succeed at and enjoy.

Careful, your IQ is showing.

Show him how it's done Maleko!


It happend a couple times in the past few days where guys would paddle around me and go my direction when the other was just as good...which is actually the one I was going for anyway.

You get a couple hyperactive fuckers like that in the lineup and the place goes all to hell.

...and I go get my longboard (if it wasn't busted).


Postby Guest » Sat Apr 23, 2005 12:05 am

Besides, what are you going to do with my IP? Find out who I am so you can drop in on me more than you do already?

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Postby bammbamm808 » Sat Apr 23, 2005 12:14 am

Anonymous wrote:Besides, what are you going to do with my IP? Find out who I am so you can drop in on me more than you do already?

Ummm, I wrote IQ, not IP. If that still confuses you, ask an adult. And I couldn't care less who you are. This will be my last response to you. You will henceforth cease to exist. *POOF*

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Postby bobblehead » Sat Apr 23, 2005 12:49 am

ah hah, the red guest! i was wondering when youd crawl out from under your rock again. methinks your lack of a surfing chess game and your low rung on the peckin order totem are your real prob, not the other surfers. case in point, if im sitting further on the shoulder than you and i see a wave setting up deeper than you, i will paddle for it and if you dont paddle deeper ill end up with the wave. this is just and right. shoulder hoppers dont deserve the good sets. :lol:
"It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought the fool, then to open it and prove it so." Confucius


Postby Guest » Sat Apr 23, 2005 8:59 am

Man you guys get worked up.

I must admit Town has done wonders for my abllity to surf with crazy crowds.

But that doesn't mean people who paddle around/snake and generally don't take their turn aren't being inconsiderate.

...almost as inconsiderate as someone who reaches for the longboard.

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Postby Puerto_Rico_Surfer » Sat Apr 23, 2005 8:59 am

Guys, Guys, and Gays!!! I thought this thread was finished back when Bam posted the photo of Richard. I go away for 2 days and now i read a thread that has me conjuring thoughts of men half naked on rollerblades with the sweat glistening on their bodies. Hmmm very similar to men half naked on surfboards with the sun glistening off their bodies, lol.

Please lets end this thread its been backdoored to death.

BTW after much thought on the issue you guys are right blue does have right of way, which gives me much joy, because when i move to Hawaii in Nov 2005 I know now that this is accepted practice and when I backdoor Kelly, Bam, or Bobble, get an beautiful tube they'll be cheering and hooting from the shoulder of the wave I just took from them. *( Oh crap did I just stir some shite)?


Postby red » Sat Apr 23, 2005 9:26 am

Sure, that's the way things are and that's how I gotta play it when I'm here with all it's advantages and frustrations. I'm just saying since the longboard is the ultimate tool for 'backdooring' a wave then why would you get so mad for me doing exactly what you're advocating?

And all these insults to intelligence....I know I'm a few lightbulbs short of a chandalier but I sense some serious insecurity out there.

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Postby Puerto_Rico_Surfer » Sat Apr 23, 2005 9:35 am

Hey Red if your gonna post antagonistic remarks then grow some balls and get an account or use your active account. Just because your advocating similar to what I am saying I dont want to be associated with you.

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Postby red » Sat Apr 23, 2005 9:54 am

Is this better? Of course you want to be associated with me. Everybody does.

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Postby Puerto_Rico_Surfer » Sat Apr 23, 2005 10:37 am

He Loved The American Dream. With A Vengeance.
In the spring of 1980, the port at Mariel Harbor was opened, and thousands set sail for the United States. They came in search of the American Dream. One of them found it on the sun-washed avenues of Miami...wealth, power and passion beyond his wildest dreams. He was Tony Montana. The world will remember him by another name...SCARFACE.

Better dead than red :wink:

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Postby red » Sat Apr 23, 2005 10:59 am

Give my regards to my comrades in Vieques.

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Postby Puerto_Rico_Surfer » Sat Apr 23, 2005 11:21 am

Hey bambam i found u an avatar

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Postby bammbamm808 » Sat Apr 23, 2005 6:58 pm

Puerto_Rico_Surfer wrote:Hey Red if your gonna post antagonistic remarks then grow some balls and get an account or use your active account. Just because your advocating similar to what I am saying I dont want to be associated with you.


red wrote:Is this better? Of course you want to be associated with me. Everybody does.

Wow he grows some balls and makes an attempt at humor. This is an important post for you. You might not be a whiny worthless pile of shit after all. Good on ya lad!

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Postby bammbamm808 » Sat Apr 23, 2005 7:02 pm

Puerto_Rico_Surfer wrote:He Loved The American Dream. With A Vengeance.
In the spring of 1980, the port at Mariel Harbor was opened, and thousands set sail for the United States. They came in search of the American Dream. One of them found it on the sun-washed avenues of Miami...wealth, power and passion beyond his wildest dreams. He was Tony Montana. The world will remember him by another name...SCARFACE.

Better dead than red :wink:

God bless you Lance. You fucking cockaroach!

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